Be part of our live IGTT Event in Helsinki, Finland today! #IGtravelThursday

Screen Shot 2014-01-15 at 6.00.39 PM Greetings from Finland! Today’s IGTT post is a super quick announcement and I will resume to normal posts next week. I am in Helsinki, Finland to participate to Matkamessut, the largest Nordic travel show. A lot of friends from Instagram are participating as well, and Satu organized an Instagram Travel Thursday evening to connect with Finnish Instagrammers, happening tonight at Klaus K hotel in Helsinki. I hope you will virtually join us – we will have a monitor screen in the event with the latest #IGtravelThursday photos displayed for all of the event-goers. I would LOVE to see photos from around the world posted during the party and I hope you will also see photos from the event. The IGTT event starts at 7PM Helsinki time, which is 12PM EST in the US, or 5PM London time. I hope you will save a few photos today to post during the party! Marinella of Kaukokaipuu-blog will also be creating videos of the event, so stay tuned!

IGTT Traveling Linky

Read more Instagram Travel posts from these new blog posts this week and add your own blog post. instagram-travel-linky-rules Not a blogger? Not a problem. Join us at Instagram by using hashtag #igtravelthursday and share your travel photos.

Bloggers! Join the Instagram Travel Thursday and Host the Linky!

Bloggers, join us! Add your blog post to the Linky above, and you can also take the Linky code and add the Linky widget in your blog! Get email sent to you when the Instagram Travel Thursday linky post is up (subscribe it here). get the InLinkz code Copy and paste the following rules and the banner image when you host the Linky widget: Join us for Instagram Travel Thursday! Instagram Travel Thursday is a weekly blog post collection with a purpose to promote the great travel experts on Instagram and Instagram as a source for travel inspiration. Add your Instagram Travel-related post to the Linky. Here are the Linky rules: Link to a new Instagram travel post and use the permalink of your post, not the homepage URL. Only new posts from the week of the linky and no giveaways, other linkys or sales pitches. No links to your Instagram profile, only links to your blog. Link back to one of the Instagram Travel Thursday Linky hosts. Visit a few other posts in the linky and show them some love (comment, tweet, Pin etc.). Links that do not follow the guidelines will be removed. More information at Skimbaco Lifestyle's Instagram Travel Thursday page. Get the banner: My mission is to inspire you to live life to the fullest and find your own "skimbaco," how you enjoy life where ever you are in the moment. For ideas for travel, home, food and fashion, subscribe to weekly Skimbaco Lifestyle feed on Mondays and I hope you get my newsletter as well that I sent out sometimes on Fridays.

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.