I Joined Gold’s Gym

gold's gym exercise The neighborhood where we live comes with a club house and a free gym that I could use 24/7. Well, it doesn’t mean that when it’s convenient, I would actually use it. Truth to be told, I hate going to gym. A few weeks ago I was testing waters in our gym, and there was this pregnant lady who was killing the elliptical by stepping like she was trying to save her life and probably her baby’s too. It’s an understatement to say that I felt embarrassed that I was completely beat after biking for 10 minutes. I pretended that I had gotten a phone call while exercising and left the gym to make a call (well, I did. To my best friend, crying for help!) So I decided that I needed some exercise classes, and I joined Gold’s Gym, which offers Les Mills fitness program with over ten different classes. I have tried several classes from Zumba to Bodypump, and next week I will have an appointment with a personal trainer to help me to plan a fitness plan that fits my goals. While I could do my own fitness program, and probably get to results that way as well, I really want to hear a professional’s opinion, I’m serious about getting in shape. Here is what I think of some of the classes I have taken at the Gold’s Gym so far.. ZUMBA I have only taken one Zumba class, but I loved it. It is the hottest thing in fitness classes right now – it is mix of Latin dance moves and fitness. It really doesn’t have that much to do with Latin dancing, and it is easy to take even if you have no idea how to dance Latin dances. It’s fun, and a decent exercise. Kudos to my local Gold’s Gym to having a teacher named Juan, who likes to shake it. (And I understood why the 9AM Sunday class was full…) BODYCOMBAT Either my instructor had some serious man hating issues or she was just determined to get all of us women to release all of our anger in the Bodycombat class I took. The class was intense, lots of cardio, and martial arts combined to self-defense. After the class I had a pretty good picture how I could hit someone in the stomach, elbow his face and pull his head towards my knee ready to give a nose makeover. It’s funny how energized you feel after so many violent thoughts in your head, and I am wondering if this class is really good for me or not. I will take it again, that’s for sure. It was an amazing workout and I sure can use some of that attitude too. BODYATTACK Ok – talk about a frigging attack. I think the teacher was a machine, there is no way that a real person could go through the Bodyattack class and keep going like she did. Thank goodness there was several different levels of each exercise so even I was able to hang on and stay in the class until the end. I think I might need a few more weeks of getting in better shape to take this class again – or that I will just try to work my way through it. There were just too many jumps for me, and I was totally loosing my cool. On another note, I need a better sports bra for this class. BODYFLOW Bodyflow is a mixture of Yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates, and I haven’t done them either ever, or for over 15 years. So needless to say – I sort of looked ridiculous in this class (too). So here is the thing that I want to know – does Yoga and Pilates make you thin and lean – or is it like pre-requested requirement? Because how to heck can you do all of those poses and stretches when you have the gut in your way? And yet, the hardest time I had with the last 5-10 minutes or how-ever-long-it-was of the “deep relaxation”, which basically means that everyone lays down on the floor relaxing (and doing nothing). I really tried, but all I could think was blog post ideas (so is it good then? It inspired me), what’s for dinner (heck yeah all that exercising makes you hungry), work (everyone’s eyes are shut, I could have totally checked my email and nobody would have noticed) and about zillion other things. I need lots of more practice to become more zen, internally and externally. SH’BAM Well, let’s just say it’s the biggest piece of SH’BAM I have ever attended. It’s this new class with pop hits from the past and today with matching style dance moves. It’s not really dancing. It’s like shaking your butt in slightly different ways depending the music. It is perfect for those who want to release their inner dance divas without really taking time to actually learn to dance. I really felt like I was in a sitcom during this class, full of mid-aged housewives releasing their inner Jennifer Greys. It’s a nice entry level class, but even Zumba is a better work out. BODYPUMP I kindly recommend not taking this class in your first week or two of working out. It is tough. And that’s why it is so good. No dance moves, no shaking your booty, no jumping. Just hard core muscle training, mainly with weights. You will feel that you have worked out after this one. I haven’t taken other classes at the Gold’s Gym yet, they also have step (Bodystep) and spin (RPM) classes, and a few others. Let me know which one is your favorite class if you go to Gold’s Gym. Oh, and it cost $5 to join, and after the first 10 days it will be $48/month. There was also another option, I think it was $142 to join and then $24/month after the first month, or a yearly membership under $500.
  1. Always loved Body Pump, but since moving to the US have not been able to find a gym that offers regular Pump classes. I mean, Gold’s in midtown has it once a week… Not worth joining the gym.

  2. My husband and I belong to Gold’s Gym, but we also have a stand-alone yoga studio down the street from our house. We constantly wonder the same thing you do — does yoga make you long and lean or is it just a pre-req? ;-) I’ve never seen anyone emerge from that place who looks like me!

    Back to Gold’s, the most important part of any class is the instructor. I’m a fan of spinning, but I’ll only go when certain instructors are there. I need a fine mix of motivation and consolation while I’m working out, so finding the perfect instructor who will push up the intensity but not yell at me when I’m falling behind is key!

    Looking forward to more of your fitness adventures!

  3. Love it, Katja! I’ve been doing pilates twice a week for the last few months and have really seen a difference, I love it! I’ve yet to try bodypump but hear that it kicks your booty. :) Miss ya!

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