Photo by Legocontrol. Repeat after me: there is no privacy online I received an email from my daughter’s teacher urging...
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Welcome to Skimbaco Lifestyle Our brand in one minute! Our mission is to inspire living life to the fullest in...
Relocation Company Is Not Always The Best Option Kids and I arrived to Sweden last week, and we are slowly...
A moment in my life… While it took both my husband and I an approximate 6 seconds to say “hellz...
RedRover is like Foursquare for moms, only better. No games of being a mayor, no silly badges to show off...
I admit… I haven’t read the book The Help yet. My best friend gave me the book, and said it...
The book that everyone is talking about, The Help, is coming out as a movie on August 10th. Host a...
You can choose to see anything in life in black or white, in all the shades of grey or in...
To me living life to the fullest is also being able to voice myself and share my knowledge in the...
I know, I know, it’s me again, writing about H&M and Jimmy Choo… And believe it or not – this...
The Chicago Air and Water Show is on this weekend, and featuring the Army’s Golden Knights Parachute Team. I’ve seen...
Mark September 24-27 to your calenders and get ready to hit Asheville, NC, for a fun yet information packed Type-A...