Tour de Texas

Should and could we trade this for Texas..?

We are facing yet another 30 hour drive back to home, starting on Monday morning, and I wanted to share some thoughts from the heat of Texas.

We were on our trip on mainly business, and scoping a new job for my hot pilot husband and before coming to Texas, we were very excited of a possiblity to move and Matt getting yet another step up on his career. Not that we really want to leave Colorado, but more for gaining new opportunities in our life, and giving our children the possibility to live close to family. While we have been traveling and moving so often, our children have seen so many things and places, and learnt lessons of life that you can’t learn by reading books, but I’ve always felt that we also taking away an important part of their life – a family. Mine is still in Europe, Matt’s is in Texas. We’ve missed so many weddings and funerals, family reunions and baby showers. My sister-in-law is getting married this spring, and we just felt – should we be closer to family?

Every day of our tour de Texas, we met with a member of “Recruiters United” – a family member giving us several reasons, why living in a 5 million citizen city would be “the best for our family” compared to living in Durango in the Colorado mountains among the 15,000 other treehuggers living there.

We are not so excited about the possible move anymore, and I don’t really know if we are able to move from the amazing surrondings of the Rocky Mountains to hot and busy city scene with suburbs and strip malls. Not that I don’t like the city life. I do, and I know that the there are things like a much bigger house, that we could achieve in the city. But I don’t know if I can take my children away from their mountain side school and the safe surrondings of the small mountain town. I don’t know if I can give up four seasons, and living close to a ski slope full of perfect powder snow four months a year.

There are million things to think about, and I’m really overwhelmed right now, and simply said: I miss home. I miss our little home on the side of the mountain, with a mountain breeze coming in from the windows as the only air conditioning. I miss the traffic jams of 10 cars while everyone has stopped to give a deer family a way to cross the street. The closest big shopping mall is three hours away, and the dream house I would like to have is out of our reach in the surrondings where people like Tom Cruise and Ralph Lauren own their mountain side ranches. But the clean air, the bright stars and the quietness of the night, the snow and the crispness of the fall mornings are ours to enjoy.

It is the two extremes, with two different kind of benefits. I’ll keep you posted, but at this point, seems like it’s going to be another winter of skiing in Colorado ahead of us. I guess it all comes to a question, what is important in life, and to whom we are really living it for – for ourselves, for our children or for our parents?

Some pics..

Highway in Durango, Colorado:

Highway in Houston, Texas:

From calling long distance..

.. to actually visiting great-grandmother, grandparents and aunt and uncle.

  1. I can imagine how hard the decision must be for you guys! Your mountain haven sounds so beautiful, but being close to family is wonderful. I don’t know what I would do if I were you!! Good luck with your decision!

    Jane, P&B Girls

  2. What great pics!! I had the HARDEST time leaving Colorado last month. I pray the decision becomes more clear for you!


  3. Nice pictures! I wouldn’t be looking forward to the long drive home, so I’ll keep a good thought and say a prayer for you. ;)

    By the way, I just sent you another e-mail w/ my address again. Let me know if you get it!

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Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.