Skin care products for kids with eczema

My daughter has eczema and finding good skin care products for her has proven to be difficult. Sometimes her skin gets so bad that she has to use steroid-based creams. Usually these creams include cortisone or other steroids, which thin the skin over time. When Isabella turned two, we were happy that she was prescribed newer non-steroid creams, such as Protopic and Elidel.

Recently both of these creams have been linked to a possible risk of cancer. We had been using them with Isabella for five years! Luckily now when she has gotten a little bit older, and also after we moved to a very dry mountain climate, her skin has gotten much easier to take care of. But she still gets the occasional flare ups.

We used Aveeno for years, since we moved so often, and it was one of those only lotions we could find almost anywhere and worked somewhat well. Well, it worked in that sense that the skin didn’t get worse, but never really took the dryness away.

When The Body Shop introduced it’s hemp series, we gave it a try. Same with their Aloe, which was supposed to be their line for sensitive skin. The Body Shop Aloe vera didn’t really do anything for Isabella, but she really liked the hemp products. Her skin got softer and it even cured some flare ups. There was just one minus… the smell.

The hemp line works really well, but it’s ingredient natural hemp seed oil does have a very distinctive aroma. And to be honest, not one of my favorite ones. And unfortunately there are not many scented lines out there that work for children’s eczema.

Noodle & Boo Thanks to Mama Speaks review site, where I am honored to write, we received some amazing skin care products we hadn’t heard of before.

Noodle & Boo products received such a warm welcome in our house. Luxurious, good smelling, soft.. even the packaging made my daughter to feel like she was a princess.

Noodle & Boo is a safe and gentle skin care line to be used for children even with the most sensitive skins. In addition to their signature sweet cream lotions, their product line also offers shampoos, soaps and sun lotions.

My daughter now keeps walking around the house saying ”touch my skin”, she is so proud of her soft skin. She keeps sniffing her arm, and is in the seventh heaven because the lotion smells so good. Also, Isabella feels that finally putting on lotion is luxurious, not just something she has to do because of her skin condition.

Noodle & BooThis is the first ever scented series of skin care products she has been able to use! Her skin is so soft and the rash is healing. Seeing my daughter happy and her skin healthy is priceless – but I’m glad to know I can get more of this good stuff for a very reasonable price.

One extra reason why we love Noodle & Boo – they donate 20% of the proceeds to children’s charities. This luxurious skin care line is making a difference in children’s lives in more ways than one.

  1. The importance of keeping your skin healthy can’t be overemphasized. It’s the body’s first defense against disease and infection, and it protects your internal organs from injuries. It is, in fact, the largest organ in the body. Skin Care Treatment helps to your body temperature and prevents excess fluid loss, and it also helps your body remove excess water and salt. Most women strive to keep their skin looking youthful. http://skin-care-treatment-natural-tips.blogspot.com

  2. The importance of keeping your skin healthy can’t be overemphasized. It’s the body’s first defense against disease and infection, and it protects your internal organs from injuries. It is, in fact, the largest organ in the body. Skin Care Treatment helps to your body temperature and prevents excess fluid loss, and it also helps your body remove excess water and salt. Most women strive to keep their skin looking youthful. http://skin-care-treatment-natural-tips.blogspot.com

  3. A niece had good results on her eczema by applying Zona to her skin and nourishing it from the inside with Vibe. Efacor is also good for the skin.

  4. There is one product on the market that is a uniquely successful eczema treatment – shielding lotion.

    Why does a good shielding lotion work better than other remedies? Most eczema treatment products contain ingredients that actually irritate and dry the skin, and cause moisture loss. Your skin may feel smoother, because you’ve layered it with something soft and silky, but the products do nothing to actually change the condition of the skin – they simply mask it. Check the ingredients and do a little research – you’ll find that many eczema treatment products actually cause dry skin and eczema.

    What damaged skin usually needs most is the chance to heal. If you keep slathering it with chemicals, it doesn’t have a chance.

    A shielding lotion bonds with the outer layer of the skin to form a protective layer that keeps in natural moisture and keeps out harsh and irritating chemicals. This layer also protects you from harsh winter weather and allows the skin to heal. Here’s what one of the users has to say:

    “I just wanted to say thank you for selling the Gloves In A Bottle – this lotion has transformed my hands and my life. For years I suffered with very bad eczema on the palms of my hands. It was very painful and often got infected.

    ”I bought some Gloves In A Bottle just to see if it worked. Having tried almost every lotion and potion under the sun, I admit I was cynical but it really does work for eczema. Although I still get the odd itch, my hands are virtually clear of any eczema for the first time in 32 years! The skin is smooth and supple and I have been able to grow healthy nails at last.”

    Many people with eczema are suffering needlessly. If you or someone you know has been enduring the pain, discomfort and embarrassment of eczema and is still looking for an eczema treatment that works, give this shielding lotion a try. It may be a new start on life. You can purchase Gloves in a Bottle from the UK Gloves in a Bottle website – excellent service too.

  5. Merja, we have been stocking up with the Aqualan L too on our trips to Finland! Works really well in keeping the rash away, bot like Aveeno, didn’t really make the skin softer and entirely heal.
    You might want to give the Body Shop hemp stuff a try too, you can get that in Finland. It worked really well, but I just wasn’t a fan of the scent – Isabella herself didn’t mind it that much.

  6. Katja,

    thanks a lot for posting this. My daughter Laura has a similar issue with excema. She had been prescribed Protopic a year ago, we used it and thought it worked really well. Then we ran out of it and visited the doctor again. I was really surprised when he suggested we try to manage with cortisone before returning to Protopic. I can see why now… he only said cortisones have been out a lot longer and are therefore safer.

    For moisturiser, we generally use the Finnish pharmacy ointments like Aqualan L which have no scent. I’d be interested in giving Noodle & Boo a try though, maybe I should ask the in-laws to bring some (coming over from the US for a visit next month).

  7. I haven’t taken my son to be checked but he has a few spots on his cheek that look almost like baby acne. They just won’t clear up. I was just thinking I needed to find some safe lotion/soaps for him. It seems he has sensitive skin. Thanks for sharing this!

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