Blog about Suri’s Shoes. Get traffic, good karma & linky love

Suri’s shoes on Oprah have been a very searched item this week – how do I know? Not just because of my own blog traffic, but also because several Mommy Bloggers have e-mailed me and thanked me of the exploded traffic on their sites after featuring the story how the ladybug shoes from my store made it to Oprah show.

Mommy Bloggers are now coming on top blog search results even for “Suri Cruise” and “Tom Cruise on Oprah”, while celebrity searches often just take you to top gossip sites.

What are mommy bloggers saying:

“Thank you Katja, my blog traffic doubled!”

“more visitors in the last 24 hours than my highest day ever. WAHOOO!”

“@superdumb thank you for linking to me and the other Skimbaco bloggers on Prizey today! :)”

“Thank YOU, Katja! this is so much fun!”

“do a google search on suri cruise and look at the three blog results at the bottom of the page *beam*”

“three blogs just linked to my Suri’s shoes giveaway!”

Come and get a piece of this ladybug luck – blog about how Suri Cruise’s shoes on Oprah are from a small mommy-owned online store and how good things can happen to you too, when you just believe in it.

What’s in it for you? Besides traffic – good karma and linky love.

Do you know about my latest journey with loosing a baby and a dog in the same month, while still keeping my spirit up by starting the Lemonade Meme? I KNOW the worst in life can become the best in life – just keep your spirits up!

Look what happened to me? Tom Cruise showed a pair of shoes from my store on national TV and out of all shows: Oprah Show! Talk about double-whammy!

I’m not paying for anyone to write reviews, I don’t even have money to pay for Google Ads right now, when I said I’m a Small Business Owner, I mean really Small. But you know what? One reason I’m not rolling in dough here is because all the product reviews, all the banners, all the “pitches” of products, mompreneurers, even promoting my competitors, I have done it all for free. Just because I have believed in the people, in the products and genuinly wanted to help. And holy guacamole what kind of good karma I got!

Are you ready for some good karma and linky love?

PS. Your blog post will be linked from my blog to yours and the link will stay on the right-side of my blog until the end of July.

This summer is all about ladybugs and mommy bloggers!

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.