Testing snacks for our road trip, healthy snacks


We are leaving to Texas this Tuesday, we’ll drive from South-West Colorado to Austin, Texas. My sister-in-law is getting married, it’ll be so much fun! We’ll also visit San Antonio, and take kids to Sea World, so a lot fun things happening. In a way I hate to leave now when I’m so busy, but I think I’ll just get back with even more energy and ideas! And I just got one of those smartzy phones, so I can keep connected.

I wanted to get ready for the long road trip and stock on some healthy snacks. I always freeze juice boxes, they won’t be as messy when they as slushy, plus they keep cool for two days that way.

In our family potato chips are not a part of the lunch, nor they are a common treat at snack time. I also normally don’t purchase any foods geared towards children, because my shocking opinion is that the common “kids’ foods” are even worse for kids than “normal food”. Read Amy’s post Chew on this and you’ll know what I’m talking about – the toxic food coloring. Yes, I said toxic, and that’s why many food colors used in the United States in children’s snacks are illegal in Europe.

Bad news is that FDA (Food and Drug Administration) isn’t doing enough for proteting us or our children from harmful chemicals in food (or other products, did you read about the sunscreens?).

Good news is that increasing amount of companies in the food industry are doing something about it and offering healthy options, so you don’t have to go as far as tricking kids to eat healthy.

We tested snacks from three companies offering healthy, organic snacks for children, want to hear which products will make it to our road trip, which ones will not?


My kids absolutely love the Snikiddy chocolate chip cookies and the cheese puffs were a hit too. While all the ingredients in Snikiddy Snacks are free of pesticides, herbicides, genetic modification and refinement, I’m still not a big fan of cheese puffs in general. And while the Snikiddy version is way healthier than others, the cheese puffs still won’t make it for our weekly snack, but they are great for road trips, parties and specially occassions.

But the Chocolate Chippers – they are just so delicious that they even made it to our school lunch as a dessert.

Great news: Snikiddy snacks are available at Super Targets, no need to hunt them down at health/whole food stores only!


Even Frito-Lay realized the need for healthy snacks and introduced Flat Earth brand of healthy snacks. We absolutely love their baked fruit chips, especially the Apple Cinnamon ones with real apple taste and just enough sweeteness and cinnamon.

This is our favorite snack chip at the moment, and they are available in most big chains, including Kroger, Safeway, Target and Wal-mart.


Brother’s All Natural Offers a great variety potato and fruit chips.

Their potato chips are so not your average potato chip! The fact that they don’t have any form of fat in them, nor preservativies, made me want to try these with kids – maybe we could have occasional potato ships with our lunch sandwiches?

The Brother’s All Natural potato chips are like no other one the market – they are made by a new freeze-drying process. The thing is that they don’t really taste like fatty regular chips either, so kids weren’t all that excited about them. The regular potato chip wasn’t that appealing to me either, but the varieties with spices like Szechuan pepper & fresh chives nicely spiced up the non-fatty taste of the Brother’s All Natural potato chip. Their products are also peanut/tree nut free, dairy free, gluten free, soy free, wheat free, non-GMO, vegan, and kosher, so even people who have special diets can enjoy these chips.

Brother’s All Natural offer fruit snacks too made with the same sealing-the-healty-stuff-by-freeze-drying method. And I absolutely love their apple snacks – they taste just like my Grandma’s dried apples when I was a kid, but they are just super light and just an easy snack to take to work and munch here by my computer.

You can find Brother’s All Natural snacks at Whole Foods or Costco.


Want to taste some healthy snacks by Brother’s All Natural? Win a box full of samples!

HOW TO ENTER: Leave a comment by May 30th with your link/ e-mail address. Easy as that.
  1. I ‘d love to try out these snacks for my kids. I’m always trying to find stuff that’s healthy for them. Thanks!

  2. My nephew’s Doc just suggested he lay of dairy and HFCS to help with his autism. These samples would be perfect to find new snacks he likes.

    ttchica78 @ yahoo.com

  3. We would love to add some variety to our snack pantry.

    michelle at northofthe49 dot com

  4. I am always trying to find healthy snacks for my daughters. My girls are suppose to gain a little more weight so for anything that they will eat a lot of (and are healthy) gets a gold star from me

    nor_lou at hotmail dot com

    have fun on your road trip we have not tried one with the girls yet!

  5. My almost 3 year old is a very picky eater and it’s hard to find good healthy food that she will eat. I’d love to try these for her. Thanks for the opportunity.


  6. My 1.5-year-old loves the Brother’s All Natural snacks (and all the others you mentioned, too!)–she is quite the snacker. Would love to win!

  7. I’d love to give Brother’s All Natural snacks a try, so please count me in. Thanks for the chance!

    Jennifer :-)

  8. We’ve had the Flat Earth Apple Crisps and they are yummy! I’d love to try out the snikiddy snacks though. It’s always difficult to find healthy and tasty kid’s snacks.

    shawnsbidness at yahoo dot com

  9. mmm… they sound good. I think the thing about chips is that they “chip” and if you can get that sensation in a good food, then great! I would love for my little boy to try these; much healthier!

  10. We’re always looking for new snack foods-my son is addicted to string cheese and it’s expensive! Thanks!

  11. Oh cool, I’m always looking for healthy alternatives, I’ll have to write this brand down.

  12. We’re big fans of the Snikiddy chocolate chippers and oaties but haven’t tried the cheese puffs yet. I was hoping that’s what you were giving away! But the Brother’s chips sound interesting. My husband is actually a chip addict and so, sadly, is Roo…

  13. I have purchased and tried the Flat Earth Apple Crisps – I liked them, my husband and kids didn’t. We don’t buy too many things targeted just at kids, but I occasionally break down and buy fruit snacks or kids’ yogurt. Thanks for the reviews here, good info to have!


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