Clean Water with Brita

updated in 2019

Water is Essential – Filter it with Brita

Water is good for you and while you are doing good for you – take a step for better environment too. Instead of buying bottled water and filling the landfills with the empty water bottles, start using an at home water filter system. Many fridges come with them nowadays, and so do some new-built houses, but you don’t have to make expensive investments to get clean water at home – from your faucet. Enter the world of Brita. Every year, more than 20 billion plastic bottles end up polluting our planet.  It’s a problem that will last for generations – but it’s something you can help change today. Last year alone Brita owners filtered enough water to replace over 10.5B single-use plastic bottles. Switching from bottled to Brita is a small step that can make a huge difference for our planet. I am a huge fan of Brita products, we have been using the Brita water pitchers for since the early nineties. And I now also have a faucet filter to get clean water for cooking and for my coffee easier as well. Brita products turn your ordinary tap water into healthier, good tasting water within seconds. The water filters are light weight plastic, and we have never had one to break yet. The pitchers cost around 35 bucks, and the filters that you need to change every 4-8 weeks, depending how much water you use, cost 6-8 dollars each. Save the environment and save money by getting the Brita water filter. Some facts from Brita: – One Brita pitcher filter can effectively replace as much as 300 standard 16.9-ounce bottles. So you can get great-tasting water without so much waste. – The average Brita pitcher filters 240 gallons of water a year for about 19 cents a day. Put in perspective, to get the same amount of water from bottled water would require 1,818 16.9-ounce water bottles a year. Brita takes it seriously to be environmentally conscious, they also offer a program how to recycle the old filters. brita water pitcher Photos: Brita
  1. I love my Brita pitcher! We refill it many times each day. I probably use about one plastic water bottle a month, when I forget to bring my own bottle somewhere. Much better than the one a day I was using a year ago!!

  2. Yeah! I love what this product is doing for our family. And it’s fitting that Brita is working with Walmart to celebrate Earth Month.

    The April 2008 issue of National Geographic’s “The Green Guide” magazine details Walmart’s initial journey into green leadership. A few of my favorite things they they’ve pioneered include:

    * Implementing the “Sandwich Bale” – a method of pressing loose plastic (shopping bags, etc.) between two stacks of cardboard before bundling for transport to recycling centers. Wal-Mart estimates that this effort alone has diverted more than 97 million pounds of plastic from landfills.

    * Developing the “Super Sandwich Bale” – this new practice from 2007 allowed Wal-Mart to include aluminum cans, plastic hangers, water bottles, office paper, paperback books, and other recyclables into ONE gigantic bale for transport. Wal-Mart estimates that this has resulted in the diversion of millions upon millions of pounds of aluminum, office paper, and plastic from landfills.

    Granted, Walmart chooses to do this not just out of a sense of good stewardship, but they realize that it makes good business sense.

    Great review, Katja, and I encourage anyone who wants to learn more about green efforts to read http://www.wisebread.com/wal-mart-celebrates-its-own-green-efforts-with-free-reusable-shopping-bags

    We’ve been using the Brita pitcher since we got married 7 years ago!

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