Store Spotlight: Indiska

Indiska, Scandinavian stores, boho decorating, bohemian modern, design trends

Indiska is Swedish chain store, popular in Scandinavian countries, focusing on Indian style with Scandinavian twist. Yes, it may sound weird, but there are actually some similarities in Scandinavian folklore and the prints found in India. Indiska offers modern bohemian fashion and home goods, and while their products are not available in the US, I wanted to share the store with you, because while the company is over 100 years old, it has become inevitable trendy the past decade and opening up new stores cross the Scandinavian in faster and faster pace – and I predict we will see Indiska in the US soon as well.

Indiska, Scandinavian stores, boho decorating, bohemian modern, design trends

The store is bohemian welcoming with colorful products showing off their beauty contrasting with white walls. Indiska also sells clothing, and the store is nice mixture of boho fashion and home design.

Indiska, Scandinavian stores, boho decorating, bohemian modern, design trends

While the store had rows and rows of pretty little things, there was enough space for little details like the flowers in the vase. I loved how the company’s prints were as table clothes or as upholstered furniture.

Indiska, Scandinavian stores, boho decorating, bohemian modern, design trends

Rows and rows.. shelves and shelves full of pretty colorful things…

Indiska, Scandinavian stores, boho decorating, bohemian modern, design trends

Indiska, Scandinavian stores, boho decorating, bohemian modern, design trends

Here are some of my favorite products from Indiska. I regret not buying anything for my home, the prices were very reasonable, but I was trying to travel light and couldn’t fit much in my luggage.

Indiska, Scandinavian stores, boho decorating, bohemian modern, design trends

Indiska, Scandinavian stores, boho decorating, bohemian modern, design trends

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.