Travel + Leisure Global Bazaar kicked off last night in New York City with superb festivities. If you live in New York City, you still have a chance to catch the rest of the bazaar happening today and tomorrow, and we highly recommend it. Our writer Nina Varis attended the opening night party last night, and she will continue exploring the world today – all under one roof. Here are some of Nina’s photos from last night and stay tuned for live tweets from the event today on Twitter following the #TLGlobalBazaar hashtag and following Nina as
@tunnetila. You can also shop for gorgeous products online at the Travel+Leisure Global Bazaar from their special shop at
Enjoying life and tasting amazing foods from around the world! The best mushroom soup I have ever tasted!
Spices from Morocco. Just got some very spicy paprika to try at home!
The world is full of colors! The Global Bazaar is also great for shopping products from all over the world.
I bought a new iPad cover. The cover is handmade by Afghanistan women at a refugee camp.
I highly recommend Travel+Leisure Global Bazaar – what an amazing event!
Ticket and more info:
Disclosure: the tickets to the event were comped, but our opinion of the event is our own.