Best of Coastal Summer in North Carolina in Instagram Pictures

Beach Memories 2 We hope you have enjoyed the summer issue of the Skimbaco Lifestyle Magazine. Here, at Skimbaco, we believe in living life to the fullest. To us, that means spending time with our families. We’ve slowed down on our writing this summer because we’re traveling and building family memories. I just returned from my 9th year vacationing at Topsail Beach, N.C, and I am currently in Myrtle Beach. You can follow my coastal summer photos on Instagram as HinesSightBlog, and here are some of my photos from our family trip to Topsail Beach. I hope you are busy making memories with your family this summer, too. Frolicking in the ocean. Beach Memories Spending less time online, and more time capturing sunsets. Topsail Sunset If you are on the Carolina coast, you must also eat fried shrimp and hushpuppies like I do on vacation. Fried Shrimp Each year, we visit the Breezeway Restaurant on Topsail Island. This is not a fancy restaurant, and the motel adjacent to it is even less fancy, but the food can’t be beat. Breezeway Motel In fact, I think it has the best hushpuppies in the entire state of N.C. Other nights on the island, we dined in our beach rental and feasted on fresh shrimp. Fresh Shrimp And we shucked corn straight from the farm. Fresh Corn A coastal lifestyle is about kicking back,  soaking up the atmosphere, and enjoying great eats. Be sure to check out Katja’s article on Coastal Food in the latest issue of Skimbaco Lifestyle  Magazine and experience some great seafood recipes from around the world.

IGTT Traveling Linky

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Bloggers! Join the Instagram Travel Thursday and Host the Linky!

Bloggers, join us! Add your blog post to the Linky above, and you can also take the Linky code and add the Linky widget in your blog! Get the InLinkz code for your post here. Copy and paste the following rules and the banner image when you host the Linky widget: Join us for Instagram Travel Thursday! Instagram Travel Thursday is a weekly blog post collection with a purpose to promote the great travel experts on Instagram and Instagram as a source for travel inspiration. Add your Instagram Travel-related post to the Linky. Here are the Linky rules: Link to a new Instagram travel post and use the permalink of your post, not the homepage URL. Only new posts from the week of the linky and no giveaways, other linkys or sales pitches. No links to your Instagram profile, only links to your blog. Link back to one of the Instagram Travel Thursday Linky hosts. Visit a few other posts in the linky and show them some love (comment, tweet, Pin etc.). Links that do not follow the guidelines will be removed. More information at Skimbaco Lifestyle’s Instagram Travel Thursday page. Leigh Hines, hotel and family travel expert | Skimbaco Lifestyle I live like a tourist in my hometown and my dream is to travel the world one luxury hotel at the time. If you love traveling as much as I do, subscribe to Skimbaco Travel, and never miss any travel content from our site.

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.