On our journey to “Gracious Me” there are sure to be detours. Side streets can seem short and harmless but can lead us far, far away from our gracious focus.
One of the most dangerous side streets?
The path to gossip is paved very well. It appears rather harmless, but once we’ve rounded the corner on this road it becomes rather bumpy. Not only that, once we are there it’s very hard to veer away. There is no going back…or getting our words back.
Engaging in gossip doesn’t make us look of feel gracious. How often do we feel guilt and regret after a round of gossip.
Say NO to Gossip
Here are a few gracious suggestions to staying on the path to graciousness:
Be Positive – Keeping a positive outlook helps keep the gossip temptations away. When we see life as positive, we see people as positive. We are willing to give grace even when someone makes a mistake.
Not a Story – Gossip can be a story and so often we tell and share stories that simply aren’t ours to tell.
Before you share anything about anyone, ask yourself…is this my story to tell? If not, keep the info to yourself.
Quick Subject Change – When all else fails, switch it up. Turn the subject back on the person you’re talking with by engaging with questions, “tell me about your new project.” or “Oh, I totally forgot to ask… how was your trip?”
When you are tempted to take a hard left down the road of gossip, what do you do to keep you on the gracious path?