Better Homes and Gardens offered me an opportunity to do a bedroom make over with $500 by using the Better Homes and Gardens home deco line sold at Walmarts. I brought the garden indoors and added some roses to create a welcoming bedroom with flowers yet keeping it simple for the accent colors to pop.
It took me a few visits to Walmart to gather all of the products from the
Better Homes & Gardens product line, and one day to put together my bedroom. My bedroom re-do was also featured at
You would think it was difficult to stay in the five hundred dollar budget, but in fact it took me several visits to spend that money, and in the end I saved some of the money for fresh flowers. I purchased obvious items like bedding, curtains and lighting, and also some bowls from kitchen section and garden lights from garden section to bring little details to the room.
My Better Homes & Gardens products from Walmart:
Wall Scones & Candle Holders with candles 70$
Curtains with curtain accessories 60$
Bedding $125
Lighting $52
Picture Frames $40
Book Shelf $75
Bowls $10
Total: $432
(Prices are approximate with taxes)
In addition I got fresh flowers from
and printed out photos with my Kodak printer, and used some items that I found from our home.

Interior design it is all about symmetry, and I wanted to have two bookshelves on both sides of the bed as side tables, but our bedroom is so small, that I could fit only one shelf – the deco line didn’t have any side tables, so it made if more difficult to furnish the bedroom. I decided to forget about symmetry rules of design, and decorate my room with asymmetry.
I made my own side table with a few photo boxes and added some height with a third box and added a lamp. Note that even my lamps are not matching – but they have the same color lamp shades and are at the same height. I like the idea of having black and white photos, but I mixed it up little bit even in the photo frames. I used black and white photos, color photos of flowers and a few pictures with a color splash.
Notice also my curtains, which look perfectly symmetrical at the first look, but when you look closely, I added garden lights as a tie back on the other side. To add a little personal touch, I tied three old fashioned keys to the ribbon tie back. I repeated the number three many times… three candle holders, scones, keys and three flowers on the window, bowls on the shelf, three boxes stacked as night table.
So.. What do you think? How did I do?