California Wine Club & Wine Pairing App

I received a three month test membership to California Wine Club, and found it an adventurous and easy way to get to know California wines from smaller wineries that otherwise I might not have heard of, and I also added the membership as a top gift idea in the Skimbaco’s Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide. The wines were a hit and a miss in our household, some were the best we have ever had, and some wines we everything but. For the inexpensive price, and for the easiness of getting wine delivered home and for the joy of tasting new varieties, I’d recommend the club for anyone new to tasting wines. Each wine shipment comes with a small magazine with recipe ideas and pairing ideas with the wine in the shipment, and it made the entire experience entirely different than just “two bottles of new wine”. The interviews with the winery owners and the recipe ideas made me feel exactly how the owners of California Wine Club want you to feel – like they were telling a story of California wine to their close friends. California Wine Club truly makes getting to know wines easy. They also developed a wine pairing app called CWC Food and Wine Pairing Wheel, which is like a wine pairing 101, super simple way to pair different wine varieties with some of the favorite foods. If you are a wine-newbie, the app is an easy way to get educated fast. I made one of my favorite fall time desserts, pear tarte, and used the app to determine a wine to pair with.. It wheeled me Gewürztraminer, and my monthly shipment happened to have Castoro Cellars 2010 Paso Robles Gewürztraminer, and I loved the combo. Sweet Gewürztraminer isn’t one of my favorites, I think I got my over dose of it while living in Germany, but this one combined with the tartness of pear was excellent, and again made me happy to belong to the wine club – this was the second wine variety that I otherwise wouldn’t have purchased, but I truly enjoyed. Check out California Wine Club and use code Skimbaco and receive 10% off any gifts or for joining. Disclosure: I received a test membership to the wine club, but my opinions are my own.

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.