Dream: To Live on a Boat in Sweden

Hello there – I’m still here. Thank you for checking back, even though I have been not posting much lately. If you already didn’t hear, we have big news: we are moving to Sweden! We have known it for a while and I’ve been busy trying to do everything for the move while still working, making Christmas happen, traveling to Texas, and you know, life. While we are super excited about the move and can’t wait to get back to Europe, it has been bitter sweet to think what all we are leaving behind here. But one thing is becoming more and more clear to me – blogging will become my main focus as we have settled in Sweden, and I hope I can write here much more often than what I have the past six months. One of the realities of this particular move is that we can’t ship all of our furniture and belongings to Sweden, and I have already been selling, donating and dumping over half of the things we owned. In a way it’s like a dream come true – a fresh start, you will get to buy everything new, everything exactly matching and what our style is right now. In a way it’s a nightmare, because it has taken years to collect some of the items we had, and most important things are not the ones you can go and buy from stores; it’s the items that we have found on flea markets, bought on our travels or our DIY projects of love. Mixed emotions, that’s for sure. Luckily we have been fancying the Scandinavian minimalistic style the past years, and we didn’t have nearly as much furniture and things as we did a few years ago. Moving from East Coast to Colorado and back already pruned out a lot. We have been admiring apartment listings in Stockholm, and every single apartment looks like it is from a design magazine. You don’t have to read Swedish design magazines to see the beautiful homes – real estate sites offer more realistic and offer as beautiful eye candy! If I could choose… my dream would be to live on a boat. We have found a few all year round boats for rent or sale in Stockholm, and some of them are over 2,000 square foot floating design apartments. Now, only if I wasn’t worried about practicalities like slippery icy deck during the winter, emptying the septic tank, or the enormous electricity bill that it takes to keep the boathouses warm in the Swedish winter in the ice cold and icy water…. A boat like this one in these pictures would be mine. Pictures: Sotheby’s International.

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.