My Kitchen Dilemma: Modern or Country?

Modern Country Kitchen Inspired Last week I picked some more modern product picks for our country kitchen makeover, and part of me really wants to modernize the old mansion kitchen. I have mixed successfully Eames chairs in our 400-year old dining room and modern furniture also adorn my office, and why not add more modern touch for kitchen too? At the same time, the kitchen has the original wood burning stove, with gorgeous copper range hood, and with thick wooden plan floors, and the butler’s kitchen is right next to the kitchen and you just don’t see this kind of kitchens often! It is almost a shame to try to modernize it when it comes to decor, and part of me really wants to keep it looking as rustic as possible. You can see pictures of my Swedish mansion kitchen and decide yourself. Swedish Mansion Kitchen The only thing I really want to change in the kitchen design itself are the faucets because they are leaking, but other than that we even can’t make any big chances because we are renting the mansion. And I honestly wouldn’t even want to, I love the rustic country feel in the kitchen. However, the kitchen came furnished with the table and chairs and the lamp and the curtain was there too, and I think if I could be able to swap them for something more our style, the kitchen would really look completely different. Unfortunately the nomadic lifestyle and moving around the world doesn’t always allow you to decorate your home the way you want to. We will live in this beautiful house only for the next 16 months and then I have to say goodbye to Swedish mansion-living. Country kitchen What do you think? Should I just take the plunge and give the kitchen a little bigger makeover, or keep it as rustic as possible and keep the changes in minimal? My makeover budget is very minimal – also our travel time in Europe is limited and we want to travel as much as we can, so it’s either kitchen mini-makeover with products we can’t move, or planning a trip to Italy, and it’s tough to say no to Italy. We can’t buy any more nicer designer furniture, our moving allowance is already way overweight, and our only options are IKEA, DIY and flea markets, which either I don’t mind. Here is some inspiration photos I found from a Swedish decorating magazine. Country kitchen details Maybe little too much flea market charm, but I do love the look above. And the below kitchen is gorgeous and we have the subway tile as well. Maybe I could pull together the modern country look like this? Modern Country Kitchen Below kitchen is a nice modern country kitchen as well, and the furniture is very IKEAish and I don’t know if it’s any better than what we have now. Swedish country kitchen details I would love to hear what you think! Should I go with the more country rustic look, or stick to my more modern taste? Any ideas how to stay in the budget and still plan on seeing Positano before we move out of Europe? :) You can see my Inspired Living Pinterest Board and more of my inspirational ideas for the kitchen. Inspired Living board on Pinterest http://pinterest.com/skimbaco/inspired-living/ Inspirational kitchen photos from Sköna Hem. Delta Delta Touch2O Technology for your kitchen and bathroom is precisely in tune with your every touch. Take the quiz to learn which faucet style best describes you at deltafaucet.com Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Delta via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Delta.
  1. Loved reading about your beautiful mansion and all the history behind it. I adore the kitchen and what a super view too! I wouldn’t change a thing. However, you could add some baskets and cute accessories to change it up if you are bored. I get the same feeling about mine. Luckily pantry style and country kitchens are very in now. What a wonderful spot to be in. Enjoy!


  2. I love what you have already; I find much beauty in simplicity. (and less to dust!) As I type, we are installing some backsplash tin in my new ‘Swedish’ kitchen! I personally went with the modern country look because of its simplicity and clean lines. Plus, it would be hard to give up the money with a trip to Italy on the horizon.

  3. Oh… I love both styles! country rustic AND country modern! Sorry, I know, this is 100% not helpful… then again, why not just replace the faucets so they don’t annoy you and then have a lovely trip to Positano instead. And for a night or two splurge on somewhere really sexy to stay with dramatic cliff views!!! (Ok now I’m just imposing my fantasies on you :)

  4. I’m a country girl, so I love the country look most of all. But I don’t think you should spend any money on a renovation – just save it all for the Italy trip and come in December when I will be there!!

    1. I wish! Where will you be in Italy? And I don’t think I get another chance of living in an old house like this one, so I too, think I should go all the way country.

  5. Your mansion is so gorgeous. It looks very welcoming and comforting, too.
    I love mixing things that don’t seem like they belong together. Like in fashion – I love to wear a big blingy necklace with ripped up jeans. Or a cashmere coat with sneakers. I vote for adding some modern touches to your country-style kitchen. I think it would let the country charm shine through even more and give it a modern, 2013 boost.

    1. I’m the same way, that’s why I love our modern furniture here. It just would mean changing the furniture, curtains and light fixture and in the kitchen and all I see is dollar signs – and the trips we then can’t take!

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Skimbaco Lifestyle

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