Travel + Shop: Inspiration from Morocco


Morocco in six squares

1. Jardin Majorelle in Marrakech, is Yves Saint Laurent’s final resting place, and a garden full of blooms, colors and beautiful architecture. A place for inspiration for anyone. 2. The Zydeco flats ($90) are soft leather and come in three cute colors. They remind me of the colors of Morocco, and would be the perfect travel flats for the spring and summer. 3. Moroccan tea glasses, $12 each, bring the Moroccan flair for your everyday life. I loved having the Moroccan tea everyday, and now have started drinking more tea after my visit. If you can’t make it to Morocco this year to shop these from the Souk in Marrakech, these Anthropologie glasses come with cheaper price tag than the flights. 4. Drink tea like they do in Morocco. Mix peppermint tea in a pot and let it infuse for at least 5-10 minutes. Add sugar and mix. Pour down one cup of tea to see if the sugar has been mixed well enough and then pour it back in the pot. Pour the tea by moving the tea pot upwards as you pour it in a cup, the tea is supposed to have a little foam in the top, like coffee, when poured correctly. You can also use fresh mint leaves in the tea. 5. Your Sahara Experience isn’t complete without a camel ride. Riding camels to watch the sunset in the Erg Chigaga sand dunes in Sahara desert is a once-in-lifetime experience never to be forgotten. 6. Kasbah spiral dress by Tea Collection ($118) is inspired by Berber handiwork from Morocco, and it is timeless dress (or use it as a tunic) for travels or backyard parties. Travel photos: Katja Presnal | @skimbaco Product photos: manufacturers


Morocco travel + fashion + food + home Pinterest board

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Morocco on Instagram

On my visit to Marrakech, I met an American, Amanda Mouttaki , and her Moroccan husband, they were showing us where to find authentic Moroccan food, and helped me to shop for local products, including spices from the spice markets. Amanda met her husband on a vacation in Morocco long time ago, and their international love story took them to the USA for years, and they just recently moved to Marrakech with their two children. You can also read about Amanda’s tips about Morocco on her blog MarocMama. Amanda also organizes food tours in Marrakech, and I highly recommend getting in touch with her when you visit Marrakech. Oh and the picture? No, she doesn’t dress like this everyday.
We visited an old Berber man in the Atlas Mountains who told me I looked Berber and wanted to dress me as a bride.”
says Amanda. Some of my Instagram photos from Morocco. Follow @skimbaco for landscape and city images. Follow @katjapresnal for food, close-ups and family fun.

Globally inspired living

I have been fortunate to be able to travel as much as I have the past 16 years, and we have always lived globally inspired lifestyle at home. Bringing European traditions to our American family has always been important to me, and of course, learning American traditions was equally important to me. As we have traveled more, now our everyday lives are also inspired by Asian and African cultures. Follow my new weekly series of simple “travel + shop” inspired by different destinations. globally inspired living Shopping guide disclosure policy.

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.