Why care about personal branding? Simply said: to make your life and career goals happen. I received the best business...
17 results for
personal branding
Erin Kotecki Vest and me. While conferences and trade shows are not anything new to me, I have been attending...
When writing the Big Rich Money book with my co-author Candice Kilpatrick Brathwaite, we wanted to write more about marketing...
This post is a translated version of a guest post I wrote for Ukko.fi. Ukko.fi is a sponsor for Crush...
Get a free download of How to Turn Your Expertise Into A Book And Land Your First Publishing Deal.
Tips from a Person Who Thought She Could Not Do it (but has spoken around the world) “You are an...
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Happy International Women’s Day! I hope you are celebrating it with your boss lady tribe – I am with mine!...
“Let’s dream!” I told Northwest Community Credit Union’s Management Team, at the Personal Branding program I presented for them last...
Integrity is what you do when nobody is watching. I recently attended EVO Conference in Park City, Utah, and one...
Like my tag line says.. my life is everything from skiing in Colorado to shopping in New York City. I...
The Hotel Maria is set to open its grand heritage doors in December 2023 as a member of Preferred Hotels & Resorts’ prestigious Legend Collection. This will be the brand’s first Legend hotel in Finland.
Most likely you’ve heard the saying “your net worth is your network” multiple times, but maybe you still have some...