Remembering 2008, Welcoming 2009

Like my tag line says.. my life is everything from skiing in Colorado to shopping in New York City. I wrote the tag line over a year ago, when we lived in Colorado, with no intentions of moving. But life happened, and guess where we live right now? New York!

My 2008 has been one of the craziest years in my life, a lot of ups and downs.. I got pregnant, lost the baby, and a week later our dog died… our move from Colorado was a struggle, I was a all over struggle, and lucky to be alive, I survived 12 blood clots in my lungs this summer. Had to cancel BlogHer – but got to go to BlogWorldExpo and visited Las Vegas for the first time.. Spent 6 weeks on the road when we moved from Colorado to New York, survived the move, even though my laptop got stolen..

Tom Cruise endorsed a pair of ladybug shoes on Oprah Show – shoes, which I had hand packed and given to his daughter Suri! I spoke on phone with Patrick Dempsey, met Harrison Ford, and Paula Deen kissed me. I became one of Walmart’s Eleven Moms, and collected moms’ voices in one 9,5 minute video, which was seen by tens of thousands and resulted a major company to take their (Motrin) ad down.

I’m closing down my store now, and I am not sad to let it go. At all. The store taught me everything I needed to know, and I am excited about new possibilities this will bring. The store was my security blanket, and I’m brave enough to go without it now.

I will be focusing on PR / Social Media Consulting and Blogging – I will also start a radio show! And so far my calendar for 2009 looks promising.. I am hoping to see you in New York, Detroit, Bahamas, Nashville, Austin, Chicago or Las Vegas in 2009 – all places where blogging, promoting and social media world will be taking me in 2009. Well, I hope so. Knowing my life – there will be some obstacles, and high hills to climb over, but I’m hoping you’ll stay right here with me and share my journey, my product finds, my lifestyle, and the ups and downs of it.

Mountain Living At It’s Best
Forget About Dieting – Look Good As You Are
I Snowboarded For The First Time

I’m Getting Old – And So Is Snow
Sometimes I Hate To Love My Virtual Life
I’m In Birth Control Hell

Cultural Differences In Complimenting
Coffee Made My Boobs Bigger?
Time Is Running Out For My Four Legged Son

Baby News (I’m pregnant!)
Is Your Sunscreen Safe? 89% In The Market Are Not!
How The Worst In Life Can Become The Best In Life (I lost the baby)
No More Babies (and the pregnancy drama continues)
Our Dog Is In Heaven Now (I can’t believe I survived loosing a baby and a dog in a same month)

Suri Cruise’s Ladybug Shoes Are From Skimbaco.com
Thank You Tom Cruise – I’m Jumping On The Couch Now
“It” Happened To Me – It Can Happen To You Too
Ladybug Luck Coming To Your Way
Jäger Schnitzels In Fredericksburg, Texas

500th Post And 50 Things About Me
I Received A Card From Angela Kinsey From TV’s “The Office”!
We’re Moving To New York
I Cut My Hair For Charity
The Birth Control Hell Continues – I’m In Hospital Again (this time: pills gave me 12 blood clots in my lungs)

I Think I’ll Live (I survived 12 blood clots!)
Ultimate Van Lines Offering The Ultimately Worst Moving Experiences (our moving truck didn’t show up)
Our Car Got Broken Into And My Laptop Stolen (first night of our move from Colorado to New York)

Good Bye Dallux, I mean Dallas (vacationing in Dallas)
What? I’m Not Hot Enough? (for the Hot Blogger Calendar)
You Put Me In The Spot

Calendar Girl Here, Hello
BlogWorldExpo For Me Was About Personal Branding (My BlogWorldExpo experience in Las Vegas)
Medical Bracelets, IDs And Other Precautions Parents Need To Take

I’m One Of Walmart’s Eleven Moms
I’m A Silver Can Girl, And The Other Things I Learned At Coke (while visiting Walmart Headquarters in Bentonville)
Eleven Moms And Paula Deen

Want To Know How You Can Get A Porsche
Motrin Giving Moms A Headache
Thank You Motrin For Listening

Meaning Of Christmas. I Know It, But I Still Want A Puppy And Wii
Patrick Dempsey On Phone, In A Bottle, On A Kitchen Table (Yes – I was on phone with Patrick Dempsey)
Ask The Author! Exciting Interviews Coming Up!
Welcome Austin, Our Rescue Dog
Christmas Time In New York City

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.