Just recently I said
I believe sometimes the worst in life can become the best in life, or in the other words, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
Everyone who has been reading my journey the past couple of months, knows that it hasn’t quite been easy to me. And you don’t even know half of the story.
However, magic happened on Friday when
Tom Cruise promoted a product from my store on Oprah Show. I mean, can a store owner ask for a better PR opportunity? They of course didn’t say the name of my company nor the maker of the ladybug shoes, but who really cares?
I worked extremely hard and I got this product on Oprah – promoted by Tom Cruise! Surreal.
I wish and hope and pray that everyone will know about it.
No, I’m not looking for actually making money out of my store, and selling tons of shoes now. Well that would be nice, but I’m still realistic. Success doesn’t happen overnight.
Why I want everyone to know what just happened to me? So I can hopefully give people hope and inspiration. There are so many mompreneurs and bloggers who are just waiting “it” to happen. “It” doesn’t “just happen”, you have to work hard, and only place where you might get is to be down and fear it will never happen – and then it will happen.
Trust yourself and keep doing what you’re doing, and the success will come.
For me some sort of success happened – I am a foreigner, who had zero business contacts, and only a handful of friends when I started the business. I didn’t even know what SEO meant, or you could pay for Google ads.
I did everything myself and just believed, someday, something big will happen. It might be this. Or it might not be this yet. But – I’m on my freakin’ way there!!
I really would like you to tell my story. If you feel like “I’m not gonna promote her” – then don’t use my name, don’t link to my store, just tell my story and let it inspire other women out there.
I am also not posting a huge giveaway carnival on my blog and asking you to link to me. But since I do feel like celebrating, I have given several blogs a giveaway prize from my store
Skimbaco. All these amazing people are celebrating with me and spreading the word “it can happen to you too”.
I will link all the participating blogs and giveaways here as their posts are up, please visit them and visit here often to see the updated list!
And link to their posts, and tell your readers about their giveaways.
I want to pay this forward first – and then maybe someday “it” will happen to me and my small business. After all, that’s what Oprah would do, right?
***The list is updated daily***
From Dates to Diapers and beyond
Mommy Needs Coffee
The Daily Grind of a Work @ Home Mom
A Cowboy’s Wife
Ultra Beauty Boutique
Notes From My Nest
New Urban Mom
A Girl’s Gotta Spa
So A Blonde Walks Into a Review
Celebrity Baby Blog
Pinks & Blues Girls Blog
Hello Happy Pittbulls
Baby Gear Today
Bambina Ballerina
Superdumb Supervillain
Watch me! No, watch me!
Rockin’ Mama
Adventures in Mommyland
Buzz Mommy
Crash Test Mommy
Coming to a Nursery Near You
A Bookworm’s Diary
Parenting Tips at NeenMachine
Imaginary Binky
Desparately Seeking Sanity
WAHM Business Opportunities
Raegun Wear
Jewelry Division