Happy Birthday Coco Chanel!
In honor of Coco Chanel’s birthday I am re-posting this post with pictures from Coco Chanel’s 31 Rue Cambon apartment. Coco Chanel revolutionized women’s clothing and her style carried to interior design as well.
Coco Chanel had some revolutionizing ideas in her 31 Rue Cambon apartment design. Chanel’s favorite colors were beige, black and white, and those were the colors she also chose for her home. While those colors may seen so normal today, decorating with light colors like beige and white were not common at all in the 50’s. Today we have easy-care materials and cleaning products, but not so much back then. One of Chanel’s brilliant ideas was to use suede as upholstering fabric. And as we all know now – suede become popular upholstery material and is still used today!
Pictures from Coco Chanel’s apartment: