Ever since Coca-Cola Light, or Diet Coke as you know it, was launched in Finland at 1984, I have been a Silver Can Girl. But it wasn’t until last Friday that I learned the terminology right – “red can” versus “silver can” – and now the “black can”.
Part of our Eleven Moms tour in Bentonville was visiting the Coca-Cola’s office, and also the Walmart’s Innovations Lab, where Coca-Cola showed us their environmental program, how they turn recycled bottles into new products. Bottles to tees for example. Yes – recycled Coke bottles are turned into fiber used in clothing. The material felt really soft, but since it still is plastic, I’m wondering if it’ll feel like polyester-blend when wearing. The fabric had almost bamboo-like softness to it though, and didn’t feel anything like polyester, so I’d be interested to know how it feels in use.
It was nice to see how everywhere we went to visit at Walmart, their sustainability program was seen in every day action. The Coca-Cola’s office wasn’t an exception – they also were sporting the above recycling center.
Only thing I like more than being a Silver Can Girl is being a Green Silver Can Girl.