Big Rich Money Is Here I’m so excited about the book I wrote with Candice Kilpatrick Brathwaite! Our book Big...
We Turned A Nightmare Career Situation Into A Book We took our first steps in our Big Rich Money entrepreneurial...
Did you check out my gift recommendations, Top Books for Holidays? Well, lucky you, a couple of the authors of...
Buy the Today’s Moms book: TODAY’S MOMS: Essentials for Surviving Baby’s First Year ($11.55) Mary Ann Zoellner and Alicia Ybarbo...
Big Rich Money book launch at Akateeminen bookstore in Helsinki.
While flipping though TV channels on the other night, I found Carson Kressley’s (the fab fashion guru from “Queer Eye...
The laugh out aloud funny (I’ve heard pee-in-your-pants funny..) book, Jenna McCarthy’s The Parent Trip: From High Heels and Parties...
Who’s trending: Debbie Sterling Have you been already waiting for the Just In! scoop this week? I know, you probably...