Comment Your Favorites! One will win a Blissdom Conference Ticket

I’m sure you have enjoyed the Blissdom writing contest as much as I have. I have been drying out the corners of eyes more than a few times a day just by reading the submissions from the talented, caring and amazing group of women, and from the people who commented in their blog posts. I am so happy to see so many people commenting and supporting their friends, it is beyond heart-warming. You still have time to read all of the posts from this past week, and comment on your favorites (only one comment per post will be counted, but you can comment on as many posts as you want), and on January 22nd midnight the comments will close, and the winner is announced the next day. Adventure Awaits by Erica Mueller of Erica Says. Once Upon a Time… Our Life as a Fairytale by Mandy Roberson of Pennies and Blessings. My Soul Was Telling Me To Sew by Maggie Whitley of Gussy has a lot to say. Living Life To The Fullest – Making Memories by Kasandria Reasoner of Southern Bella’s Ways To Save. South Dakota, My Home by Amy Thue of Unforgettable Childhood. I Found My Reason by Jerri Ann Reason of Mom-E-Centric. Loving The Life I Never Knew I Wanted by Amber Dixon of Dixon Dialogue. Explore. Dream. Discover. by Briana Gardell of Wake Up, Juliet. Sometimes It Takes a Leap of Faith by Alyssa Avant of Life From My Laptop. Count Your Blessings by Traci of Beneath My Heart. Live Life to the Fullest by Sharing Love by Erin Pyle of Pyle of Love. Living Life to The Fullest – Giving Our Home TLC by Layla Palmer of The Lettered Cottage.

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.