Kämp Garden is carefully curated experience of Finnish design. Fashion boutiques, showrooms, events and exhibitions, and even a book shop and three restaurants.
Cinnamon Bun Day, kanelbullens dag in Sweden Today, October 4th is the official cinnamon bun day, kanelbullens dag, in Sweden,...
Tuomiokirkko, The Lutheran Cathedral, in Helsinki, Finland....
Xmas Garage is the most colorful Christmas pop up shop in Helsinki.
Kiitos Helsinki! Hei Helsinkiin! Kiitos kaikille teille jotka luette Skimbacoa vakituisesti siellä Helsingissä, ja tässä ensimmäinen niin kirjaimellisesti Helsinkiin liittyvä...
This year the Moomin’s celebrate its 75th anniversary with the #OURSEA-campaign, and now the Moomin’s flagship store celebrates its first year.
[vc_section][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] HELSINKI Short Film shot on iPhones [/vc_column_text][ut_video_player caption_font_weight=”bold” video_border=”on” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8IRtWIhIBQ” border_color=”#06c3de” play_bg_color=”#06c3de” caption=”HELSINKI short film” poster=”52643″][/vc_column][/vc_row][/vc_section][vc_section][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Moment Invitational Film Festival...
Marimekko’s Spring is Green Green! Finally it’s green outside! And so is Marimekko’s spring: all about green. I visited Milan...
Food can be a source of many things; happiness, excitement, discovery, frustration or disappointment to name a few. But when...
Finland truly comes alive during summer. The summer days are long, and turn into nightless nights. Longer days equal more...
AlexAlex and Kristian spent a day at the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma in Helsinki. First she takes the...
16-year-old Photographer’s View Over ten thousand people attended the Climate March in Helsinki this Saturday, only one week before the...